Make the re-registration process at your school as simple as possible. With just a few clicks, all the information required is automatically sent to the database.
Re-register your child online for school in just a few clicks.
Easily reserve your child’s place to school daycare place and select the time slots they will attend.
Mozaïk-Registration allows students to make their course selection and parents to validate their child’s choices.
No need to print and distribute forms : do everything online. Parents can re-register their child in just a few steps.
The person responsible for registrations can concentrate exclusively on cases that require special attention (e.g., a change of school or address).
All parents are given access to the form at the same time. Most respond within a few hours, saving considerable time.
To make life simpler for parents, they can register for school and daycare at the same time. Two birds with one stone!
More than 80% of registrations go directly into the database without any processing required on the part of school administrators.
Mozaïk–Registration can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone.